Saturday, 18 August 2012

Me, myself and blog about Dyslexia

Let's start with basic introductions. Very soon I am going to become a part-time PhD student.  There are a lot of PhD Students Blogs out there, each offering their own unique perspectives on what doing a PhD is like (I will put links up to more asap). After pondering what I had to offer I decided to write (partly) on experiences of being a dyslexic  PhD student. My reasoning was thus:

The effects of dyslexia vary widely and, contrary to what some would think, they are not all bad (a discussion of this is worthy of a post on its own).  When thinking about my future as an academic I consider being dyslexic one of the most helpful and yet challenging aspects of my personality.  I can't be the only dyslexic PhD student out there or the only one there will ever be. So  I hope writing about the ups and downs of my PhD my experiences may prove of some use to other dyslexics in similar situations. I'd also like to hear about others experiences.  So maybe this blog can provide a place to share those experiences...

I'd like to start off now by saying that I am new to blogging and my writing skills are very much a work in progress. So please, if you are reading this, bare with me!  Also, I'm not going to just blog about my experiences,  as I hope to get a few blogs out about psychology and research in general.

As I am about to start my PhD in just under a month (scary!) I've found myself thinking more and more about what exactly is a PhD? On a basic level it's a piece of research written up into a thesis.  But from what I have read and heard it's much more than that.  It's an experience which changes you and your life to the point that you are no longer the person who started the PhD.
So, this is me when I go in. I wonder who I will come out?  

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